24 thoughts on “John Terry’s First Interview Since The Wayne Bridge Scandal

  1. How is this funny, If i was bridge I wouldn’t find it funny.. laughing at such scummy behaviour is pondslime behaviour

  2. do i need to go into what else he has done? or will u still be a clueless chelsea fan?

  3. New Manchester United signing Shinji Kagawa has arrived at Old Trafford with his girlfriend, who is an Asian Pornstar.

    “It can be difficult moving to a new country, but I will do all I can to welcome them and I will treat Shinji like a brother”, said Ryan Giggs.

  4. You know what I don’t understand with this, is what the actual “Scandal” is? At first I thought Wanye B. and his wife were still together but they were separated. What the fuck? Just because he’s a footballer doesn’t mean his balls are made redundant.

  5. “You saw Wayne Bridge in the shoo buying the same paper…”

    “Yeah he ignored me.”

    “That’s so rude!”


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  7. *Captain John Terry’s first interview since the Wayne Bridge scandal

    and just for the Record Wayne Bridge can duck my sick.

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